Treating PTSD using Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy is a great therapy to help with PTSD. I use a combination of hypnotherapy techniques, IEMT and NLP to safely access your memories helping you to understand the emotions better around your trauma. It also helps you to identify triggers and tame the way you react to them.
Hypnosis can prevent or reduce dissociation, following exposure to a traumatic event, reduce symptoms of anxiety and help you to get in touch with memories and feelings associated with your traumatic experience.
IEMT is particularly effective in reducing the emotional impact of intrusive imagery and flashbacks so that the imagery becomes far less disturbing. It can also be beneficial if you’re too frightened to immediately revisit the traumatic memory.
Signs you may have PTSD:
Nightmares and flashbacks of the event
Avoidance of people, situations and circumstances that resemble/are associated with the event
Pushing memories of the event out of their mind – avoiding talking or thinking about the event
Extreme anxiety and anguish
Feeling on edge and difficulty relaxing, constantly aware of threats and easily startled
Constantly going over why the event happened and whether it could have been prevented
Irritability or angry outbursts
Emotional numbing – dealing with their feelings by trying not to feel anything at all
Being withdrawn and giving up activities they used to enjoy
Feelings of isolation or guilt
Sleep disturbances or insomnia
Difficulty concentrating
Physical symptoms - sweating, shaking, headaches, dizziness, chest pains, stomach upsets